We develop an organic Biostimulant compound, which increases the productivity of your crop.
More information
39% Organic Carbon
41% Carbohydrates
Natural Gear Amino Acids
Antioxidant Acid
Potentiating the nutritional process of plants, helping farmers improve the quality and productivity of their crops.
98% Crops increase their yield when they use our biostimulant.
Success stories
Increased flowering and fruit set.
Promotes higher oil content in fruits.
Increase in spike production.
Better grain filling.
Promotes greater production of sugars in the stems.
Promotes an increase in sucrose content.
Stimulates the formation of a well-structured glass.
Improves the quantity and quality of the fruits.
Stimulates healthy vegetative growth.
Favors an increase in fruit production.
Increase in pod formation.
Improved stress tolerance.
Vigorous rooting and uniform plant emergence.
Abundant and healthy leaf development for greater production of photoassimilates.
Increases the quantity and quality of initial flowers and fruits.
Optimization of filling and brix degrees.
Greater number of spikes and better grain filling.
Promotes resistance to adverse conditions such as temporary droughts.
Production of large, healthy leaves for greater photosynthesis and carbohydrate production.
Improvement in the flowering and fruiting of the clusters.
Increases the quantity and quality of fruits with greater uniformity and size.
Improves nutrient use efficiency.
Improves nutrient use efficiency.
Promotes higher sugar content in fruits.
Our biostimulant
Natural vs chemical sources.
We reduce our carbon footprint.
We prevent soil erosion.
We mitigate contamination of water sources.
We take full advantage of the coffee fruit.
We nourish soils (increase pH).
High cost-benefit ratio.
pollution is reduced by the equivalent of
Sustainable Agriculture
Recovering soils